Luego que el hongo penetra muy fácilmente los tejidos de mazorcas sanas aparecen manchas de coloración marrón en la corteza (Figura 2D, E), pudiendo alcanzar las almendras de cacao, donde finalmente se puede observar la mazorca totalmente necrosada e inviable (Figura 2G y 2F). Lasiodiplodia Ellis & Everh., Bot. Lo importante es el uso integrado de dos o más medias de manejo, pues de esta manera se tendría suceso en la reducción de enfermedades causadas por L. theobromae. Interesantemente en plantas de cacao, cinco de esas proteínas previamente han sido asociadas al estrés y defensa (proteínas Chaperonas similares a HSP20 y tipo Germen 10), y a la señalización (no identificada). Spatio-temporal spread of foot rot (Lasiodiplodia theobromae) in Jatropha curcas L. plantations in Yucatan, Mexico. (2021). Mycosphere Essays 9: Defining biotrophs and hemibiotrophs. Teléfono 51(1) 617-3300 Correo electrónico: Página web: Producto : T-REX® 360 SL Ingrediente activo : Hymexazol Concentración : 360 g/L Lasiodiplodia , commonly referred to as black-soot disease, is a significant pathogen in tropical forestry. Conidiogenous cells 2–5 µm diam., hyaline, discrete, smooth and cylindrical. Studies in Mycology, 76, 31-49. Lima 18 - Perú. C, Planta evidenciando muerte regresiva. Fungal Diversity, 67(1), 127-141. 21:92 (1896). Fungi were isolated from dead twigs attached to the host. (e) Conidiogenous cells and paraphyses. According to Clendenin (1896), a fungus causing rot of sweet potatoes imported from Java was identified by Ellis in 1894 as a new genus and he named the fungus Lasiodiplodia tubericola. Clendenin (1896) provided a description of the genus and the species, attributing both to Ellis and Everhardt. Parameters for maximum likelihood were set to rapid bootstrapping and the analysis carried out using 1000 replicates. Google Scholar. 15 días antes de la poda: para producir un descenso en el potencial de inóculo presente en el campo y además proteger preventivamente a la planta. This work was supported by grants from Chiang Mai University and TRF Research-Team Association Grant (RTA5880006). Internet Explorer). Denman et al. Control of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, the causal agent of dieback of sapote mamey [Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) syrah grapevines. J.K. Liu would like to thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 31600032) and Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (LH [2015]7061). Van der Walt, Slippers & G.J. The current phylogenetic analyses with combined ITS, tef1 and tub2 sequence data gave good resolution of phylogenetic separations among Lasiodiplodia species and provide insights in to taxonomic novelties. (d) Peridium. Plant Pathology 66, 90–104, (2017). The amplified PCR fragments were sequenced by Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, P.R. However, Ellis (1894) did not describe the fungus or publish the new genus. In ACIAR Proceedings Series (No. Taxonomy information for Lasiodiplodia. 2000) has not always been strictly applied and species have been introduced on the basis of minor differences in only one locus. The combined dataset of ITS, tef1 and tub2 consisted of 54 taxa of Lasiodiplodia, with Diplodia mutila (CMW 7060) as the out group taxon and comprised 1267 characters including gaps after alignment. Although the phylogenies were derived from analysis of multiple loci (mostly ITS, tef1 and TUB2 and sometimes RPB2) the genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition concept (Taylor et al. (a) Conidiomata on bamboo sticks in PDA culture plate. Part of the translation elongation factor (tef1) was amplified with primer pair EF1-728F and EF1-986 Carbone and Kohn42 and EF1-688F and EF1-1251R Alves et al.6. The Botryosphaeriaceae: genera and species known from culture. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species associated with dieback of mango in Peru. Ex: Exocarpio; Me: Mesocarpio; En: Endocarpio; Pu: Pulpa; Fu: Funículo; Al: Almendras.Â, 5. (2018). Comparison of total length of 477 bases of ITS sequences revealed one base pair difference among three strains and one base deletion in L. endophytica. Three new Lasiodiplodia spp. El microorganismo en esta fase del ciclo tal vez podría permanecer como un saprófito. [ Links ], Bartley, B. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 37, 111–138 (2009). In 2015, symptomatic samples were collected from 12 commercial Persian lime orchards, and 60 Lasiodiplodia isolates were obtained. Caracol africano en Venezuela: ¿Qué hacer para exterminarlo. Botryosphaeriaceae; fungal diversity; pathogenicity; phylogenetic analysis. Se trata de un producto apto para ser utilizado en agricultura orgánica. & Roux, J. Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Terminalia catappa in Cameroon, South Africa and Madagascar. is a genus in the family Botryosphaeriaceae (Botryosphaeriales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)2,3,4 and typified by L. theobromae (Pat.) [ Links ], Kamil, F. H., Saeed, E. E., El-Tarabily, K. A., & Abu Qamar, S. F. (2018). Suwannarach N, Khuna S, Kumla J, Cheewangkoon R, Suttiprapan P, Lumyong S. Plants (Basel). (2006). In recent years this phytopathogen has been gaining importance. En condiciones de laboratorio, inicialmente el patógeno presenta un desarrollo micelial de color blanco, tornán dose posteriormente de color cenizo oscuro, hasta vol verse finalmente negruzco (Figura 1A y B). [ Links ], Al-Saadoon, A. H., Ameen, M. K. M. & Al-Rubaie, E. M.A. According to Clendenin (1896), a fungus causing rot of sweet potatoes imported from Java was identified by Ellis in 1894 as a new genus and he named the fungus Lasiodiplodia tubericola. 2013). (k) Brown conidia on the surface of host. Dieback due to Lasiodiplodia theobromae, a new constraint to cocoa production in Cameroon. Scale bars: d = 5 μm, e = 20 μm, f–j = 10 μm. Experimental agriculture,48(1), 85-98. Epub 2022 Aug 1. Lasiodiplodia species with pathogenic life-styles are associated with shoot blights, stem cankers, fruit rots, dieback, grapevine trunk diseases and gummosis3,16,31 Lasiodiplodia exigua from a branch canker of Retama raetam32, L. mediterranea from branch canker of Quercus ilex32, L. plurivora from V-shaped necrotic lesion of Prunus salicina, in Africa33 and L. pseudotheobromae from grapevine trunk disease16 are some examples that cause different plant diseases. Hyde, sp. Forty nine strains are included in the analyses, which comprise 866 characters including gaps. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Este producto es de uso preventivo y curativo, y actúa en sinergia con inductores de resistencia y antiestresantes. Está compuesto por . Striations on the conidia distinguish it from Diplodia, the conidiomata paraphyses distinguish it from Neodeightonia, which also has striate conidia. Carousel with three slides shown at a time. Caracterização fisiológica, cultural e patogênica de diferentes isolados de Lasiodiplodia theobromae. En Ecuador hasta la fecha se ha reportado al patógeno únicamente afectando árboles de T. gileri (Evans et al., (2013) listed 18 species and Dissanayake et al. De manera general, el manejo de patógenos de la familia Botryosphaeriaceae es complejo, más aún cuando el patógeno ya está presente en el local de cultivo. (1955), Lasiodiplodia is a genus of fungi in the family Botryosphaeriaceae. L. theobromae tiene un rango superior a 500 especies hospederas (Farr & Rossman, 2021), lo cual aumenta su distribución. The study area was a sub-tropical rain forest inside the Xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden in Xishuangbanna at 21°55′N, 101°15′E, Yunnan province, China. (2017). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 140(2), 251-259. Towards a natural classification of Botryosphaeriales. Análisis espacial de la incidencia de enfermedades en diferentes genotipos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) en el Yopal (Casanare), Colombia. Saprobic Lasiodiplodia species have been recorded such as Lasiodiplodia iraniensis on dead twigs of Salvadora persica, L. hormozganensis on Olea sp.3 and L. theobromae on dead twigs of Eucalyptus sp.17. Figs 3 and 4. Symptoms of leaf blight, stem canker, and pod rot were observed on T. cacao during a series of samplings conducted in several states of Malaysia from September 2018 to March 2019. Lasiodiplodia, commonly referred to as black-soot disease, is a significant pathogen in tropical forestry.[2]. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play major roles in plant-pathogen interactions, however, their roles in the pathogenesis of peach gummosis, especially shoot disease in perennials, a … Epub 2016 Sep 20. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 132(4), 489-498. Hall, T. A. BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT. Griffin and Maublanc (1909) considered that on account of the pycnidial paraphyses, Botryodiplodia theobromae, described by Patouillard (1892), was more suitably accommodated in Lasiodiplodia. Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat. Chomnunti, P. et al. 1). 2 Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Av. Classification – Dothideomycetes, incertae sedis, Botryosphaeriales, Botryosphaeriaceae, Type species – Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) FICHA TÉCNICA Revisión: 05 Aprobado: JR Fecha: 08-09-17 Página 1 de 3 Calle Arica 242 Miraflores. Acta biológica Colombiana, 22(2), 209-220. (2017). De hecho, en este cultivo se puede observar la presencia de picnidios en ramillas jóvenes muertas. 57100, © 2019 | All rights reserved. Botryosphaeriaceae forms a monophyletic lineage with 22 genera that are defined according to morphology of ascospores and conidia, and phylogenetic relationships4. Perú. The sexual morph has been reported for L. theobromae, but the connection with the asexual morph has not been confirmed (Phillips 2013). Therefore it was not possible to observe conidial characters. Scientia agropecuaria, 249-258. (a,b) Conidiomata on bamboo sticks in PDA culture plate. It can be assumed that these combination of molecular markers strengthen the support for them and to separate the existing ones3,4. 2016 Dec;181(11-12):901-908. doi: 10.1007/s11046-016-0062-z. China, Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, 57100, Thailand, World Agro Forestry Centre, East and Central Asia, 132 Lanhei Road, Kunming, 650201, P.R. A., Evans, H. C., Brown, J. K., et al. Lasiodiplodia magnoliae MFLUCC 18-0948 formed a separate clade with L. citricola IRAN1522C. Phytophthora palmivora Causing Disease on Theobroma cacao in Hawaii. Ecology and evolution 7, 7560–7572, (2017). Cool Pak's retail-proven recycled clamshells are the choice of growers and packers nationwide. 94, 1–22, (2019). When Promputtha et al.22 studied endophytes and Promputtha et al.23 studied saprobes from leaf litter of Magnolia liliifera and M. garretii respectively in Chiang Mai, Thailand, no Lasiodiplodia species were recorded. (2013), donde analizando el linaje filogenético de diferentes especies del Orden Botryosphaeriales, incluyeron el aislado CBS 164.96 de L. theobromae, codificado, identificado y depositado como B. rhodina, en el Centro de biodiversidad fúngica, localizado en Utrecht, Países Bajos. PubMed  Freire, C.S. Potential for biocontrol of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) 25: 57 (1909). Striodiplodia Zambett. Phytopathology, 109(8), 1331-1343. (c,d) Vertical sections through conidiomata. Lasiodiplodia magnoliae has longer paraphyses (60–70 μm) than L. mahajangana (27–66 μm)17. In a detailed study of five loci of 19 Lasiodiplodia species, Cruywagen et al. Otros de los métodos culturales que pueden ser implementados, están la selección del área de plantación libre de patógenos, la elección de la época de siembra (vivero) o trasplante (campo), el uso de material de propagación libre de patógenos, y tal vez uno de los más importantes, evitar lesiones en las plantas, puesto que las heridas pueden ser la principal puerta de ingreso para el patógeno (Michereff et al., 2005). A. von. Phillips, A. J. L. et al. (2006) re-organized Botryosphaeria on the basis of LSU phylogeny they split the genus into 10 genera, but could not resolve the position of Lasiodiplodia or separate it from Diplodia. Gnanesh BN, Arunakumar GS, Tejaswi A, Supriya M, Manojkumar HB, Devi SS. Pinterest. Biocontrol of teak canker caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae. [ Links ], Hendra, H., Wibowo, A., & Suryanti, S. (2019). International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 6(7), 1-13. The identity of five of the isolates was confirmed as Lasiodiplodia theobromae and three isolates as Lasiodiplodia sp. reviewed and edited the manuscript. Phillips & K.D. Invasive everywhere? [ Links ], Mortuza, M. G., & Ilag, L. L. (1999). AMISTAR® TOP es un fungicida para uso agrícola en pulverización foliar normal contra un gran número de enfermedades que afectan al arroz. Molecular based identification and diversity. Existe evidencias de la existencia de resistencia en cacao a la muerte regresiva causada por L. theobromae. Rodríguez-Gálvez E, Guerrero P, Barradas C, Crous PW, Alves A. Fungal Biol. (Phomopsis cucurbitae e Lasiodiplodia theobromae, nuovi parassiti dei frutti di melone (Cucumis melo L. var. AMISTAR® TOP combina la destacada acción preventiva y antiesporulante de la azoxistrobina, perteneciente al grupo de las estrobirulinas, con el efecto erradicante de difenoconazole, perteneciente al grupo de los triazoles. Alan J.L. E-F, Mazorcas infectadas en condiciones de campo, mostrando pudrición parcial (E) y total (F). Lasiodiplodia species with endophytic life-styles are associated with different asymptomatic plant tissues such as L. avicenniae from asymptomatic branches of Avicennia marina in South Africa, L. bruguierae from asymptomatic branches of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in South Africa28 and L. mahajangana from healthy branches of Terminalia catappa in Madagascar18. Este método consiste en el uso de factores físicos (por lo general temperatura y radiación) para controlar enfermedades. (2019). [ Links ], Vásquez-López, A., Mora-Aguilera, J. Lasiodiplodia pandanicola was isolated from dead leaves of Pandanus in Thailand10. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. F, Conidias maduras (septadas y oscuras con estrías longitudinales).Â. Lasiodiplodia magnoliae differs from its sister taxa by phylogeny, morphology, host species and locality as described in the notes section that support for the introduction of new saprobic taxa. Trakunyingcharoen, T. et al. Saprobic on dead leaves attached to the tree of Magnolia candolii Asexual morph: Conidiomata 180–200 µm diam., 200–250 µm high, globose to subglobose, dark brown to black, scattered, solitary, immersed and uniloculate without a conspicuous ostiole. Plant Pathology, 15, 59. (2013). Newly generated nucleotide sequences were deposited in GenBank (Table S1 in Supplementary material). Lasiodiplodia theobromae causes a damaging dieback of cocoa in India. Entre los fungicidas usados de forma aislada están azoxistrobina, carbendazim, clorotalonil, difenoconazol, fosetil-aluminio, iprodiona, mancozeb, metil tiofanato, piraclostrobina, procloraz, propiconazol y tebuconazol, así como en mezclas ciprodinil + fludioxinil, Clorotalonil + carbendazim y piraclostrobin + boscalid (Tovar-Pedraza et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2019; Rusin et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2021), Sin embargo, hay reportes de la reducción de la sensibilidad de aislados de L. theobromae a fungicidas como difeconazol (Li et al., 2020; Rusin et al., 2021), sugiriendo la presencia de aislados resistentes. This Dothideomycetes-related article is a stub. Food Research International, 82, 44-52. Fungal Biol Rev. Varias medidas para su manejo han sido detalladas en esta revisión actualizada, e incluso se ha propuesto la integralización de medidas que pueden ayudar a reducir tanto la muerte regresiva como la pudrición de frutos en cacao. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 139(2), 219-229. division: ascomycota (ascomycetes) subfilum: pezizomycotina clase: dothideomycetes subclase: incertae sedis orden . Scientific Reports (Sci Rep) Journal of Plant Protection Research, 56(2), 129-138. Phylogenetic evaluation of whether endophytes become saprotrophs at host senescence. Sequences of the individual loci of ITS, tef1 and tub2 were aligned with MAFFT v. 7 online version44 using default settings. [ Links ], Zhang, W., Yan, J., Li, X., Xing, Q., Chethana, K. W. T., & Zhao, W. (2019). Roux & Z.W. Phylogenetic trees from ITS and tub2 did not provided good resolution among Lasiodiplodia species. Phillips, A. Alves & Abdollahz. Para este caso específico, tal vez lo ideal sería el uso de un colector solar, como el desarrollado por Ghini (1993) en Brasil. RAxML bootstrap support values ≥80% are shown respectively near the nodes. Universalia, 11(2), 4-7. Marques, A.J.L., Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1  B, Rama muerta (flecha roja). Juan Pablo II s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Estado de la resistencia a fungicidas en aislados de, Propuesta de manejo integrado de muerte regresiva y de pudrición de frutos causadas por, Martínez de la Parte & Pérez-Vicente, 2015,, (2021). (pp. Câmara (2014), F.J.J. Con respecto al uso de bacterias, recientemente, Kamil et al. La producción de granos de cacao entre 2019-2020 fue de aproximadamente 4700 t, siendo su gran mayoría producida en el continente africano (cerca de 3500 t). Δdocument.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Center of Excellence in Fungal Research | Mae Fah Luang University, 333 Moo 1, Thasud Muang. and S.L. and transmitted securely. The wet season is from May to October while the dry season is from November to April34,35. En el sinnúmero de plantas que infecta puede causar síntomas diversos como cancrosis y pudriciones. The type of L. pseudotheobromae was isolated from Gmelina arborea in Costa Rica and has also been recorded from Citrus sp., Coffea sp.3, Pteridium aquilinum19, and Plukenetia volubilis20. & Menezes, M. (2005). Isolation of endophytes was done according to the methods described by Promputtha et al.36 with modifications. "Combodia" redirects here. Lasiodiplodia thailandica was first described from symptomless twigs of Mangifera indica in Chiang Mai province, Thailand21 and also has been recorded from a petiole of Phyllanthus acidus in Thailand20, from cankered branch of Podocarpus macrophyllus in China19 and from cankered branch of Albizia chinensis in China19. Fungicida de aplicación foliar y amplio espectro formulado a base de Azoxistrobin y Difenoconazol para el control de enfermedades criptogámicas de origen fúngico en arroz. PubMed  Paraphyses up to 60–70 μm long, 2–4 μm wide, hyaline, cylindrical, septate and rounded at apex. Las mazorcas afectadas presentan en su interior una masa de micelio negruzco que envuelve las almendras (Figura 2H). In this study two new species of Lasiodiplodia were identified and described from Magnolia candolii in the southern part of Yunnan Province, China. Sin embargo, si la planta atraviesa algún tipo de estrés los síntomas se pueden hacer visibles (Mullen, 1991). & Menezes, M. 216-220). Revista Árvore, 42(3), e420304. Este método consiste básicamente en interferir los procesos del patógeno como sobrevivencia, diseminación y reproducción, minimizando los efectos de la enfermedad. Comparison of total length of 450 bases of tef1 sequences revealed an insertion of eight bases in Lasiodiplodia magnoliae when compared to L. mahajangana and L. pandanicola (Table 1). Analysis of phylogeny, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with gummosis of Anacardium in Brazil, with a new species of Lasiodiplodia. Hyde, sp. Es considerado uno de los cultivos más importante a nivel mundial principalmente para pequeños agricultores (Kongor, et al.,2016). Several isolates were of saprobic asexual fungi with hyaline and brown conidia bearing longitudinal striations and conspicuous conidiomatal paraphyses. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Keywords: Theobroma cacao L.; Lasiodiplodia theobromae; biology cycle; vascular dieback; pod rot; management measures. The study has expanded the knowledge of Lasiodiplodia species providing two novel species and two new host records. However, there are genetic, cultural, biological, chemical control measures, among others, that could be integrated and used in cocoa crops. Of these, 1011 were conserved and 123 variable characters were parsimony uninformative. Chen, S. et al. (2005). Mycosphere 7, 545–559, (2016). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 138(1), 195-207. El gran número de hospederos conformado principalmente por cultivos de importancia agrícola, hacen de este patógeno un organismo cosmopolita y su capacidad de sobrevivir en el suelo y en restos vegetales lo vuelve difícil de controlar. Pavlic et al. Difenoconazol. Plant Pathol J. Ann. [ Links ], Ploetz, R. C. (2003). Wan-Hao Chen, Yan-Feng Han, … Zong-Qi Liang, Manuel de la Estrella, Félix Forest, … Anne Bruneau, Emiliane Fernanda Silva Freitas, Meiriele da Silva, … Maria Catarina Megumi Kasuya, Thomas Haevermans, Annette Hladik, … Patrick Blanc, Mariusz Kanturski, Yerim Lee, … Seunghwan Lee, Scientific Reports Ecuador. 5. [ Links ], Burgess, T. I., Barber, P. A., Mohali, S., Pegg, G., de Beer, W., & Wingfield, M. J. Species of Lasiodiplodia associated with mango in Brazil. [ Links ], Khanzada, M. A., Lodhi, A. M., & Shahzad, S. (2005). [ Links ], Tovar-Pedraza, J. M., Mora-Aguilera, J. A., Crous, C. J., De Beer, Z. W., Wingfield, M. J. Not to be confused with, J.A. Biochemical changes and defence responses during the development of peach gummosis caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Phytochem Lett 13, 141–146, (2015). 74, 3–18, (2015). Cuando haya resultados de autocompletar disponibles, usa las flechas arriba y abajo para revisarlos y Entrar para seleccionar uno. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin, 12 - 21. y otros doce mas.. Taxonomía: Reino Fungi, Hongos Mitosporicos (Division Eumycota, Subdivision Deuteromycotina, Clase Coelomycetes).. Descripción: En los tejidos atacados los cuerpos fructiferos son picnidios esferoidales, de tamano 50-70 μm de diametro y paredes . Peran infeksi jamur dalam memperparah kerusakan buah kakao akibat serangan Helopeltis sp.Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia, 1(1), 28-32. Chemical control of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, the causal agent of mango decline in Sindh. Por otro lado, la ocurrencia de pudrición en mazorcas se da principalmente por la intensa fuente de inóculo presente en el área de cultivo (Twumasi et al., 2014), debido a que el fitopatógeno aprovecha los desechos provenientes de la cosecha para sobrevivir y completar su ciclo de vida (Kuswinanti, 2019). Chen et al.15 chemically investigated a strain of Lasiodiplodia sp. Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia, 40(1), 29-37. B. L. et al. Posteriormente, se lo reportó en India (Kannan et al., 2010), Samoa Occidental (Bourke, 1992), Bangladesh (Shamsi et al., 2010), y Filipinas (Alvindia & Gallema, 2017). Entre las especies de Lasiodiplodia que infectan cacao, se reportan hasta el momento L. parva (Alves et al., 2008), L. pseudo-theobromae (Serrato-Diaz et al., 2020) y L. theobromae (Asman et al., 2020), consideradas como especies crípticas según Alves et al. Alves, A., Crous, P. W., Correia, A. It is important to study endophytic Lasiodiplodia species as well as pathogenic and saprobic life-styles as novel endophytes are also yet to be explored. The tree was rooted with Barriopsis tectonae and B. iraniana. [ Links ], Vásquez, Z. S., de Carvalho Neto, D. P., Pereira, G. V., Vandenberghe, L. P., de Oliveira, P. Z., et al. Aluthwattha, S. T. et al. Swofford, D. L. PAUP: phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, version 4.0 b10. El cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es un cultivo neotropical, originario de la región amazónica de Suramérica (Bartley, 2005), y que ha sido cultivado, comercializado y consumido desde la época precolombina por Aztecas, Mayas, Olmecas y Toltecas (Hurst et al., 2002). Canker of dogwood caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae: a disease influenced by drought stress or cultivar selection. (f,g) Conidia. Y836181261) and the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC; Grant No. El empleo de extractos vegetales o de alguno de sus derivados, pueden funcionar como fungicidas botánicos o simplemente bioestimulantes. 489, P-7, Col. Hipódromo, Alc. Families, genera and species of Botryosphaeriales. (1980). Cladosporium está ocasionando daños en palto y mango en los valles de Áncash, Uva de mesa: crece la necesidad de usar biofungicidas en el control del oídio, El oídio del arándano afecta a cuatro zonas productoras del país, SGS proyecta que crecerá en 50% su facturación en análisis de pesticidas. Micro-morphological characters were examined with an OLYMPUS SZ61 compound microscope and images recorded with a Canon EOS 600D digital camera mounted on a Nikon ECLIPSE 80i compound microscope. [ Links ], Guajardo, J., Riquelme, N., Tapia, L., Larach, A., Torres, C., Camps, R., & Besoain, X. ficha de generos: genero: lasiodiplodia . Last updated: 25.09.2018. Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat] in the cocoa crop: symptoms, biological cycle, and strategies management, Anthony A. Moreira-Morrillo1  Lasiodiplodia magnoliae (MFLU 18-1030, holotype). [ Links ], Statista. Tabla 1 Estado de la resistencia a fungicidas en aislados de Lasiodiplodia theobromae en diferentes cultivosÂ, g. Manejo integrado de enfermedades (MIE). CAS  Lasiodiplodia endophytica N.I. (2006) described three new species (L. crassispora, L. venezuelensis and L. rubropurpurea) from the tropics based on ITS and tef1 sequence data and morphological characters. Peach gummosis caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae is one of the most detrimental diseases to peaches in southern China. Figura 4 Propuesta de manejo integrado de muerte regresiva y de pudrición de frutos causadas por Lasiodiplodia theobromae en el cultivo de cacao.Â. CAS  Lasiodiplodia magnoliae is phylogenetically sister to L. mahajangana and L. pandanicola but morphologically distinct from L. mahajangana in having larger conidia. Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae causes pedicel and peduncle discolouration of grapes in China. Fungal Divers., Por alta demanda del servicio por parte de agroexportadores. Arx, J. Show less expand_less. wrote the manuscript and A.J.L.P., J.K.L., K.D.H. CAS  Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Forest Pathology, 35(6), 385-396. Other Lasiodiplodia species have been observed with only hyaline conidia such as L. chonburiensis10, L. sterculiae27 and L. thailandica in which most conidia were hyaline and only 10% were brown19. Germinating conidia were transferred aseptically to potato dextrose agar (PDA). nov. on Quercus species, with notes and description of Botryosphaeria stevensii and its anamorph, Diplodia mutila. Figura 2 Síntomas causados por Lasiodiplodia theobromae en cacao. [ Links ], Ghini, R. (1993). GTR + I + G model of nucleotide substitution was selected for the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. (2008) showed that Lasiodiplodia constitutes a clear phylogenetic lineage. y M.A. En Bailey B. The matrix had 253 distinct alignment patterns, with 4.41% of undetermined characters or gaps. (1987). La integración de los componentes de manejo, podría ser una herramienta importante en el control de enfermedades causadas por L. theobromae. La principal sintomatología causada se denomina “muerte regresiva” la cual, en ataques severos, puede ocasionar pérdidas de hasta el 55% de la producción. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Fr. The leaves were kept at 4 °C in sterile polyethylene bags until they were processed in the laboratory. Recientemente en cacao, Nurlaila et al.
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